Delusions of Grandeur: 05/26/2002 - 06/02/2002

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Saturday, June 01, 2002

Bizarre Quiz of the Day

which Episode II character are you?

Probably the greatest Jedi Knight of all. Like Obi Wan, you are wise and keep your feet on the ground at all times. You will not be outsmarted by anyone. You are always faithful to your friends. Be careful though, danger lurks around every corner - you could even be betrayed by those closest to you.

Thanks, Fossie. That was a great one. And it totally figures. *yum*


Idiot credit card companies who call and ask for money. Um, why do you suppose I HAVE one of those, anyhow? No, seriously.....I overdrew my credit card by $5 lousy bucks. I mean, big wow. So, on the statement for April, it said, "Overdrawn by $10." Payment due? like $20. So I go online to pay this, and my account is now mysteriously overdrawn by $45...I flipped! I logged off and called them, and this guy explains....Because I went over my limit, I was charged $35 automatically. So, I ask, well, WHY isn't it on my BILL? I mean, I had JUST gotten it! It seems this company (and it's nobody famous, don't worry) pulls the overdraft charges the day AFTER they send out the bills. I'm like, you're going to charge me twice? Because now I'll be overdrawn in May, because I didn't know I was $45 over and only paid $20 which puts me back UNDER my limit? He goes, and I'm not kidding, "I never thought of it like that." Obviously, he's not using one of their credit cards. He explains that I can get a one-time waiver of that over-draft charge...but I can't call until I get the NEXT bill. So, I don't pay April (because, WHY) and I wait until I get my bill (see rant about a week ago about bill paying here...) and they waive this $35 charge, and the second $35 charge from May for being overdrawn in April. Today, some geek calls me about my being late with a payment. I explain ALL of the above to him, and he wants to know when I'll pay $128 know, cause now I'm overdrawn by $128 mysteriously. *snarl*

Did I mention I cancelled this card?


Take a look around my guestbook or my awards page. Both have been slowly filling up this past week. I've been to a lot of really GREAT sites, a lot of them foreign. Take a tour yourself. There are some AWESOME pages out there. (Okay, and a bunch with 'wee faireis' too.)

Just a moment to rave about my son Matt. He got a note from his teacher saying he was a great addition to their class. :) It's such a stark change from two months ago when everyone hated him at school. He's trying really hard, and applying himself to the work and to being part of the group. I'm so proud. We may be out of the woods. Now, if he would only stop reading "Garfield" books and try something with a little MEAT on it. LOL

Take a jog on over to Toasted Cheese, the new ezine was published today. There are lots of good stories this month, don't miss out. :)

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung! Herete!

Friday, May 31, 2002

Bizarre Quiz of the Day

Ya Ya Name Generator which isn't really a quiz, unless "what's your name" is a quiz...It's still pretty fun. I'm "Marchioness Purrs Like a Kitten" so be warned! *purrrrrrr*

Better, zip on over to Toasted Cheese for the weekly FUM (Five Unmistakable Marks) and answer five strange questions. My favorite this week was question #5, which I enjoyed so much, I'm going to share in the blog.

5. This month's AB article is about the editing process. One of the steps is handing your work over to others for critique. Without identifying the author, tell us about the worst piece you've ever critiqued and why it was so bad.

There's a solid TIE for this honor. The first goes to a story about a very seriously ugly man and his really seriously ugly dog and their horribly depressing life and how it was a better life since they were together. Classic, that one.

The other was a quick viginette about the perils of life itself, and how quickly one's luck can change. There was this happy little rabbit (or something) that was picked up by a hawk and carried away, then dropped in front of the tires of an oncoming truck. Mind, the story was from the rabbits point of view. *cries with laughter at the very thought*

In third place is the 'romance' story about a girl and her 'first time'. The euphamisms alone were enough to drop a rhino at 50 feet.

Good times, good times. *wipes tears* I'm still laughing at my answers. Go on over and add yours to the list.


Time for another good rant about the DH here. Our family is on state insurance and food stamps, right? Donin's not getting enough hours to really feed our family by himself. Anyhow, so every six months I have to fill out this annoying wad of forms and copy all these documents and so forth. Jump through the Oregon State HOOPS. Anyhow, one of the things we need (every time) is copies of Donin's paystubs. And everytime, the same thing....where are they, I never keep them, why do you need them, stupid state anyhow....blah blah blah! So, I manage to find them all, sort them out, put them in order, make copies and send them off. Well, the state thought I needed to add one, so they sent me a note asking for it. Guess who's lost the entire lot of them? I mean, I'm SURE I handed them to him and said, "Here, put these somewhere we can find them." Because the state ALWAYS asks for more copies of stuff. But NO. They're GONE. *poof* But it's MY fault somehow....Yeah, okay. (We did find the ones we needed, however, after much bruhahaha and yelling.)

I also want to whine for one second about my sore arm. I can barely move the mouse. What idiot has been spending too much time making new graphics and signing a thousand guestbooks? Oh, wait, that's ME. LOL. But the weekend is coming. Movie time! LOL.


Well, the FUM today, for one. Always a good sign when you're laughing at the end of it. Heck, I'm still laughing.

Wow, I'm drawing a kind of blank here today. LOL. I mean, lots of things are good, but I can't think of anything particular to mention. Guess I'll go write a little something instead, since graphics are out today. LOL.

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung! Herete!

Thursday, May 30, 2002

No bizarre quiz today. Guess I wasn't looking hard enough. But if you want something to do, why not check out Yesterdayland? It's a lot of fun, but you'll probably get a lot lost in your own past. :) Look around for my name, I've a list of favorites and memories, too.

Joined a webring called, Women of the World, a group that celebrates diversity. It's kind of an off-shoot of Women With A Unique Soul, but it's good to get in on the ground floor sometimes, and I think it'll be big once word gets around.


Not a lot to rant about again, really. Everything is all beautifully sunny and yet slightly windy. Roses are blooming in the front yard, finally, although I'm sorry to see my lilacs vanishing. But it's a great day all around, I'm losing the weight slowly but I can see it going, I exercised, and I'm feeling all creative. Man, I love spring days.


Love the whole PSP tutorial. That's going very well for me. Mind, I'm doing the exercises for week five, and it's still week one. LOL. But it's a great program. I used in conjunction with my IC program, and they melded very well. Made some great little sig's for WotW welcoming committee, which I joined. I like it when people sign my guestbook and visit my site. :)

Well, not a lot else to say today. LOL Guess I'll go make something else!

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung! Herete!

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Bizarre Quiz of the Day

I'm a White's Tree Frog!

Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their "dumpy" appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles.

What kind of Frog are you?

So, there's that.


First, HUGE thanks to Tatianna for making me a new signature graphic. Dolls with red hair are, for some reason, harder to find than blondes & brunettes. Besides, I like her all laying across my sparkly name there. It's wonderful. Check out her other designs, and maybe ask for your own....

Second, I've been having SO much major fun with Paint Shop pro, you can't imagine. I made all these buttons for my boss, and she just loved the massive change in look and design I did. I just couldn't do that with Image Composer. Not that I'm knocking IC. I LOVE my IC. It still does things PSP can't, and I'll keep using it. But as a team, these are gonna RULE. So be looking for more free graphics over at Crescent Designs. Muhahahahahaha!

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung! Herete!

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Okay, so it was a long weekend. I feel good, however, I think I'm all caught up on emails and webrings and what-have-you's for the day. LOL. Heck, I even edited three stories, so it's not all bad.

Question of the Week

Which super-power would you choose?
My Answer: I'd probably go X-Men and take either all of Rogue's powers (the power to take power and use it) or all of Wolverine's (the ability to heal very fast with a high tolerence for pain and some nice claws to boot.) But I'm not sure they count as 'super-powers' since they are mutantancies. LOL.

Bizarre Quiz of the Moment

Yuoo ere-a zee Svedeesh Cheff!
Yuoo ere-a a guud cuuk, thuoogh yuoo cun't speek Ingleesh fery vell. Bork Bork Bork!


Stupid computer. 'Nuff Said.

So, I was going to post in the RPF today, and went to do some research on this traveling I'm off doing. Well, I type in "maps, asia minor" into Google and get a site of maps right off. I go, it's this HUGE list of like 40 ancient maps I didn't EVER see while making MY maps (of course). Guess what? I found Themiscyra on about 10-12 of them! Listed right there in plain ... well, okay, it was either French, English, German or Latin ... sight. The Thermadon is listed, and the city of the Amazons. Heck, one map had 3 large Amazon areas on it. Color me shocked and surprised! Why is this a rant? Cause....I already made a leap and put Themiscrya where I thought it should go, and I'm WAY off. And there it is, right in front of me. I mean, isn't that the way? Finish it, then find the REAL answer. LOL. Needless to say, any Amazon reading this should prepare for a bit of an update to the maps over at Amazon Way!


I did a nice job with the Sunday writing prompts at Toasted Cheese this week. Tawny gushed all over me (thanks, Tawn) which I love. But I knew it when I wrote it. Why don't I WRITE IT? That's the million dollar question. I should just write from Sosey's pov and get on with it already. But the story line is so WARPED now from what it was, I'm not sure I could. Do you suppose there's a market for a female gladiator novel? I suppose she'd have to do more than that, of course, but that's her base. Anyhow, I've reminded myself, and that's pretty important.

I can NOT express how much fun the Women With A Unique Soul webring is. It's really a kick to have them all come sign my guestbook, in the first place. But the group feeling of it is beyond compare. I'm enjoying that to bits. If you are a woman, consider joining up.

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung!
