Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Bizarre Quiz of the Day

I'm a White's Tree Frog!

Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their "dumpy" appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles.

What kind of Frog are you?

So, there's that.


First, HUGE thanks to Tatianna for making me a new signature graphic. Dolls with red hair are, for some reason, harder to find than blondes & brunettes. Besides, I like her all laying across my sparkly name there. It's wonderful. Check out her other designs, and maybe ask for your own....

Second, I've been having SO much major fun with Paint Shop pro, you can't imagine. I made all these buttons for my boss, and she just loved the massive change in look and design I did. I just couldn't do that with Image Composer. Not that I'm knocking IC. I LOVE my IC. It still does things PSP can't, and I'll keep using it. But as a team, these are gonna RULE. So be looking for more free graphics over at Crescent Designs. Muhahahahahaha!

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung! Herete!


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