Good grief, can I play games or what? First there was Sim Theme Park, then the stupid Pokemon game (Crystal, if anyone cares), then Trollops & Johns, The Sims sub-game that doesn't even start for 2 weeks. Toss in 2 redone websites, with five or six new pages full of obsessive crap, and you've got 'bye-bye Deo' ! Please visit my Amazon page, Amazon Way, and my regular homepage, The Fifth House, for new "Obsession" fan pages. One even won an award from Eden.
My own fan pages. I think they are stellar. Real pretty, and a lot of fun to create. I'm not done, either. I plan on having a Smallville page and a Sims page. Hopefully, the Sims page will have some floors and houses on it. I've been creating some interesting stuff here and there.
Just about everything. I haven't been this depressed or down on myself in a long time. I'm not sure what's going on. I feel a little like the world has run me over with it's proverbial truck, and there are skid marks everywhere. I could list all of them, but I'll restrain on the grounds of delicacy and decency. To summarize, my body is breaking down a little at a time, and I'm powerless to stop the trend. But I resist and fight. Just, right now I feel worn thin and slogged.
To be indelicate and publish my 'laundry', part of the depression is the DH. But I won't get into that either, because I could talk about to him instead of on the internet, and choose not to. Ever do that, ladies? Sit around and wait for them to figure out what it is that's wrong? Of course, they NEVER know, no matter how the hints fall. But his getting it wrong isn't him, it was me not speaking.
Well, I'm off. I've a field trip to listen to an orchestra tomorrow. Just me and about 3000 grade-school children. Should be fun, no?