Delusions of Grandeur: 07/28/2002 - 08/04/2002

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Monday, July 29, 2002

Bizarre Quiz of the Day

I'm a Fire Spirit

Okay, I came up a Water Spirit, but i'm a fire sign and liked this picture better. Ah, the beauty of choice.


The only one I can think of right now is people who scan in pictures but don't watch to see how REALLY huge they are in "computer" terms. I mean, it's a pretty nice picture, sure. But it's GIANORMOUS. It's okay to shrink it down a little!

Then of course I get writing and think of some more. How about people who don't say what they mean? My boss sends cryptic messages sometimes, with hidden meanings buried deep inside. Basically, it was an email TO someone about something I don't even understand. Inside, in one line, is "Deoris will fix this all later and make sense of it." I was like, "I will?" and finally emailed him to ask what that meant. Yeah, he wants me to fix it, he says, make some sense. I ask, "Well, like HOW? For WHAT? What kind of format, exactly?" I mean, let's be a little be more vague, shall we? But that's negative. He is who he is, and that's fine. Just kind of frustrating.


The pictures my dad sent. LOL. He recently went on a couple of vacations and just sent a couple of pictures. One was my brother and his family, a beautiful lot if I do say so myself. Mind, Corey (My eldest nephew) looks like he's in a police line up, but he's 15....LOL.

The other picture he sent was of a personal friend of his, a really nice fellow I had a very . . . strange . . . relationship with once upon a million years ago. Anyhow, he has the same contagious smile that makes me smile back, even at the photograph. I'm so glad dad sent this one. Although I could have gone a long time without the two pictures of this fellow's room of stuffies. (The guy is has to be nearing 50 now.) It was just a little . . . much. LOL Thanks anyhow. I keep looking at the picture just so I can smile at him again. ;)

I spent a wad of time on my Age of Chivalry webpage last night. I'm not sure why. There was a lot of fun things to adopt and do over at Wizard's Quest was the big thing. I started a "tattoo" page, which is a grand idea, and started collecting puzzle things too. Well, you'll have to see it to see what I mean.

Anyhow, I'm trying to stay positive and fight "for the light" today. Banish the negative thoughts and my ego's constant nagging. It's not easy, I seem to have a lot of nagging going on. LOL.

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung! Herete!