Delusions of Grandeur: 04/14/2002 - 04/21/2002

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Rant: Computer errors.
Why? Well, cause they are giving me a headache. I wrote somewhere around 300 words last night only to have the entire thing fail it's autosave or whatever and get lost as the computer crashed around it in horrific fashion. I suspect a virus, one that is self-perpetuating. My virus scanner keeps picking one up, day after day, and removing it. Something from the IE side of life as I zip around the internet. Just frustrating.

My new monitor is freaking me out as well. It's got speed settings, and flashes on and off whenever I open something with higher resolution graphics, or lower, than what was being displayed at the moment. Bang! Pop! Black screen! Flash! It's annoying, to say the least.

On the human side, the DH is ticking me off about my vampire-viewing habits. He just can't help but make some dispariging remark about Angel and Buffy. So what if it's on 4x a week? His stupid "Ray" show is on 2x every stinking day. And I won't even mention how his history programs drive everyone from the living room on both Saturday and Sunday. And do I have a cow? Do I rant? Do I rave about his stupid choices? No. I'm tolerant. I understand everyone has different tastes and likes. I GET it. Needless to say, I wasn't happy with his ass yesterday.


You know, sometimes you can be so proud of the dumbest things as a parent. Patrick went back to school last week, and already has a girlfriend named Samantha. He managed this in 4 days. And, to top it off, he's a 7th grader, she's an 8th. I mean, how impressive is my boy? Mind, he doesn't know her phone number, where she lives, her email...and he hasn't kissed her. Heck, he barely talks to her. She wants him to kiss her, he says. He wants to wait until he takes her on a date to the movies. It's so cute, I can't stand it. LOL. Color me with pride. ;)

Have a good Tuesday. ;)
