Delusions of Grandeur: 05/12/2002 - 05/19/2002

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Saturday, May 18, 2002

Nothing new today on the blog, although I did try to put up my blogsticker, Eden. This time it was my web server's fault, though, not mine.


Don't you hate working when you're sick? Man, I thought the morning would NEVER END. I was dragging around, drugged out of my MIND (or wishing I was) coughing and feverish and working. But I did get through it, and felt better when I did.


I really enjoyed Star Wars Episode II. I won't give anything away, but I just have to say the movie was just HUGE. I mean, there was just so much going on in every scene, you couldn't keep up. There were minor background details that had me on the floor a lot of the time. The smoke curls were great, the rain and water were done up VERY well, stuff like that. The vehicles were awesome, the settings beautiful and exotic and grand. The sound was FABULOUS, and used as an effect often and in great places. (The "Sonic" bomb was great. All noise.) I must say that, even though my boss took me (LOL!) I had a GREAT time. (Let's see, what other words can I capitalize?)



Friday, May 17, 2002

Made more changes, you may note. Put a "MOOD" indicator on there. There were millions to choose from and I can add my own if I can't find what I'm looking for. Click on the little fact to add a mood to your page.

Joined a webring, "Off On A Rant" click and add your blog to the ring. It's all good. Thanks Eden.

For some added fun, zip on over to Toasted Cheese and answer the FUM (Five Unmistakable Marks). They are GREAT questions today. You don't need to be a member, just click that link and start answering. (But membership is FREE FREE FREE. A very good price for the quality. ;)


HTML coding is hard. I really wanted to add a random Blogsticker to my site, but you have to upload files. Which isn't something the free version of Blogger here can understand or do. So, sorry, I'm not 'sticking' it on here.


My DVD player. I love watching movies I love watching all over again in DVD. It's so much fun to discover new things. "Oceans 11" is great, by the way, I recommend seeing that one. Of course, I have a 'thing' for Vegas, so maybe it's just me. LOL

As you can see, my mood is "Bipolar". I chose it cause I'm looping up and down today. Annoyed one second, happy and peaceful the next. Hey, I'm trying. Well, go do something constructive. This blog ain't so interesting today.



Thursday, May 16, 2002

Well, I redid the blog, how's it look? I'm going to be adding a hit counter and fixing that left column sometime. I was going to do it today, but...


The kids left "The Emperor's New Groove" in the DVD player. So I have to walk all that way back up there to return the stupid thing. It's just totally annoying. Oh well, it's not 'due' until tomorrow anyhow.

I broke one of the clasps on my bra, which means a small mini-crisis before I was awake this morning. Pretty sad when something as simple as putting on your clothes sends you into a tailspin of depression. But I'm working on it. I won't let it defeat me, damnit.


On the upside, I found a herbal tea at Safeway called "Meridian Brand Herbal Trim Tea" which sounds kind of fun. You start with one glass a day, and move to one glass after every meal. It apparently works to burn fat cells after you eat or something. I dunno about that, but it tastes like boiled seaweed. Which isn't as horrible as it sounds, actually.

I posted to the Amazon RPF last night. I realized I do a lot of research posting there. I mean, the whole thing was only just over 1000 words, but it took like 2-3 hours to make. Checking old posts, looking at maps, trying to work things out, learning how the other characters would talk and think....takes a while.But I'm always happy with what I post.

Well, I have to go return that DVD now.



Wednesday, May 15, 2002


I'm just having SUCH a moment. Don't you hate it when you can't tell if the people online talking to you are being "funny" or "sarcastic" ? I mean, it's just quite the quandry. Of course, I'm feeling persecuted and horribly 'blah' and depressed, so it's most likely just 'me' being me.

Yeah, yeah, Star Wars is out tomorrow. I'm the biggest fan ever, well, no, I'm not. I'm real glad not to be, in fact. I mean, I love Ewan, don't get me wrong. And it looks like fun, all of that. But it's just not getting me right now. I'll probably do what I did for Episode I and wait for the video. I know, I know.

At least coffee didn't make me throw up today. That's a real plus. Had a serious fear of pregnancy there for a couple of days. Hope that remains gone!

I wish someone on TC would do ONE of the bloody exercises that comes with the articles each month. I mean, we really work hard thinking those up, and nobody has EVER done one. (I mean in the community, not Snarkers.) So, if you get a wild hair, go do one, okay? Pen In Each Hand

Thinking about changing my layout and style of things around here. I really love Eden's, it rules. She put a lot of time and effort into that sucker. Of course, I don't do daily updates, either. And I like my flames. LOL.


What's it like with no kids home during the day? Kind of boring. Ain't it good? I've done the dishes, and kept them up. I even cleaned the cat box! (go me!) and did some other light housekeeping chores today. Can't wait to see what I do with the rest of the week!

Okay, be good, be sane. Or don't. Your choice, really.

I so care.

Monday, May 13, 2002

WOAH! I posted yesterday and not a word of it made it in. Well, that's the RANT of the day. That and Network 54 is down. *fume*