Delusions of Grandeur: 11/30/2003 - 12/07/2003

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Friday, December 05, 2003

Writing Success: Well, I put the history of Amazon Deoris (part 1) up on Amazon Way, if you'd like to see that.

Music Playing: KINK "The Time of Your Life" 1971. I know some of the songs from listening to oldies and from my own pechant for the Doors, but not many. They range from psychadelic to funny to just good.

Post-Surgery Healing: Have a doc appt tomorrow about this. But I'm not sure I'm going.

Why am I not sure I'm going? Cause I'm woefully ill. I have no idea what I have. The glands behind my jawbone hurt like hell, I can't swallow without pain or mashing things down to teeny weeny bits, and I don't have tonsils anymore. Donin suggests mumps, but I'm fairly sure I've had shots for that.

Anyhow, may not go. I'm just too miserable to face the bus on this rather empty stomach. The most food I've had in 24 hours? The jello I downed. I did have some soup for lunch, hot & sour....huge error in judgement. But it was all we had, and I knew nothing else was going down. Then I tried to eat some black olives, which I kept coughing back up. The pieces were too big. And I was really chewing them to bits! So...wierd.

Ladyhawke is meshing just fine. She finally let her cats out, which kind of helps. They're afraid of my dog, who really doesn't care much about them. Still, good for them to get some air. She's been off to a temp job interview, and she's stayed at her boyfriend's house once. It's all good.

Well, I'm off to bed for about the fifth time today. I didn't sleep well last night, so I decided to stay up a little longer tonight. Course, this is actually my 'usual' time... heh.

Light a candle for me. ;)

Bizarre Quiz of the Day in honor of having just watched X-Men 2...

Which of the X-Men do you resemble most?

You are Proffesor X!

You are highly capable of any task and you care
deeply for the ones surrounded by you. Enough
to risk your life for them!

Which of the X-men do you resemble most?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Writing Successes: Good joke, that.

Music Playing: Uh...none. Not sure why.

Post-Surgery Healing: I think the trouble spot is finally out of trouble. It looked like it's either grown skin over the hole, or healed up enough for me to NOT panic anymore. LOL

Didn't write because of the holiday. So, that's why the 'good joke' comment there. I was going to try to write a TC article, but I really didn't think it would 'fit' with the style they've kind of set for that. I kept putting it off and off and off...and so here I am. No article.

King Arthur did not drink into a stupor. In fact, he himself made a comment about how he had been getting a drunk a lot when he saw us, but was refraining from it this time. It worked out in our favor. Kou gave us a great story (true) about a friend of hers who landed on a pipe and broke his butt. "Ass Pipe" was the joke of the day as King Arthur ran with that sucker for two straight hours. We were all weeping, laughing so hard, cramping, unable to breathe, and joining in with ribald comments. Great fun, to say the least. Need an ass pipe joke? I probably have one.

Ladyhawke has also (finally) moved in. She came from Idaho and had a lot of trouble getting here. She was slated for September, then October, then the beginning of November...well, she made it. Her and her two cats are settling in nicely.

Small background for those not "in the know"....Ladyhawke has been my friend since the 8th grade, when another mutual "friend" (she wasn't) dumped me on her and Shado (another still close friend, and that's her spelling for it, not mine) and vanished into rather thin air (thankfully.) Since I'm now 37, you can see we have a rather long history.

One of those small history moments? She was married to Dream Boy. Ah, life. So good to me. This is the other reason why I was dreaming about him. But he isn't in her life anymore and actually (rather like myself) cut her out/off or mutually (I don't ask) so it's not like he'll be dropping in for a visit or calling (thank Artemis!). But it is a rather constant reminder of the whole guilt thing.

And that's enough of that. I do want to mention that you should visit Sal's blog. Seriously. It's not to be missed. LOL

You Can Talk to Animals!

What's Your Magic Power?
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