Delusions of Grandeur: 09/04/2005 - 09/11/2005

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Monday, September 05, 2005

Looking for a writing contest with monetary and publication rewards? Try the Toasted Cheese Literary Journal's "Three Cheers & a Tiger" Writing Contest. ( We challenge you to write a complete short story in 48 hours, without any advance preparation. FALL will be a science fiction / fantasy contest. The topic, which must be part of your submission, will announced at 5pm, Friday, September 16th in the FREE forums at Toasted Cheese and all submissions must be received by Sunday, September 18th at 5pm.

All entries are blind-judged by Boots, Ana, & Macfisto, editors at Toasted Cheese. Bio's are listed at the ezine website. The judges' decision is final. Winners are announced October 31. The winning stories are then published in the December issue of Toasted Cheese. There are no entry fees for any Toasted Cheese contest. Limit of one entry per person per contest.

First, second,* and third* place stories are published in Toasted Cheese Literary Journal. Winners receive Amazon gift certificates: $20 for first, $15 for second, $10 for third. Honorable mentions may also be awarded. (*Toasted Cheese reserves the right to not award second and third place if the quality of the entries does not meet the journal's standards.)

Complete rules can be found at: