Delusions of Grandeur: 01/13/2002 - 01/20/2002

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Well, as you can tell, I've been spending a lot of time off line. This is due, in part, to a game frenzy. It started with emulators and roms (I recommend "James's Basement"), then branched off into cd games I own (namely one "Sim Theme Park").

The rom was Pokemon Crystal, a very long, drawn out game that's actually a lot more fun that it seems. It changes every time you play, because you make totally different decisions each time. And how you play is your choice...I go for wads of Pokemon (I now have 106) that are all about the same level, and the solving of as many of the little mysteries as they throw at me. Needless to say, while my sons defeated the game in less than 2 days a piece, I'm on my 90th hour of it. (Yes, it keeps track, just so you KNOW how much time you are wasting.)

The Sim is, as most are for me, addictive. "Ah, just one more ride to the Golden Ticket!" "Oh, I'll just play until I make a roller coaster." "I can't stop, I have to figure out how to make a loop-the-loop." (I can't make them, btw, yet.) This game is particularly frustrating at the moment, because while the website appears to offer a patch upgrade (which, god willing, will STOP it from crashing in the middle of things and removing all the hard work I did) but I can't get it to actually work. So, I've the EA folks annoyed, but working on that.

I suppose the biggest reason for NOT being online is my little community is kind of disappated. Several got jobs and rarely check in when they are at home. (Or it's a bad time for me.) The ones that are left work best in the morning or afternoon (depending on their time zone) and don't log on until MY afternoon, when I like to write, talk to the kids, have to walk to the school, watch the soap, whatever. So, all my morning 'chit chat' is like toast. Without that to hold me, I'm gone. It's kind of stupid to wait 3 hrs to say "HI" and leave. So, I just go before they arrive now. I'm glad they all have projects, but I do miss the bull sessions. :)

Raves(Like those weren't!)

Thursday this week, before I forget to mention it, is the year anniversary of iVillage (pardon if I don't link to it) tossing me out into the cruel streets. A brief summary: I was recruited after my 2nd chat, stayed a year, and was fired without any definitive reason, and without recourse or any avenues of protest. I was not allowed to state my case, defend myself, or even allowed to know why I was being fired beyond a standard chain-email that one of co-firee's got. (Theryn's letter was EXACT to mine for the most part.) Basically, I was betrayed and excommunicated.

Fine with me. Toasted Cheese is going to be a year old here next week sometime. It was NOT, as some may assume, a retalitory strike at the e-Vil giant, or even a place to air our grievances. In fact, we took (and take) great pride in not doing that. They are what they are, and the facts all speak for themselves. (e-Vil had no facts)

One more small note, Jessica has not called me once since the 'break' a year ago. She has spoken to me online on several occasions, until she herself was 'let go'. This from a woman who called once a week (almost without fail) for more than three months. Who relied on me to help her NOT look like the internet fledgeling she is. Who has seen me IRL, who has shared drinks and time and stories. Ah, the loyalty, the friendship, the support! Still just as amazing as it can get, that.

But I'm happy TC is a year old. It's gone through a lot of changes, too. I think we've done an admirable job for as small a community as we are. Good for us!

Well, I suppose I've some writing to do around here somewhere. There are some writing goals to maintain, some exercises to do, and some stories to comment on.


PS: Looking at it, you'd think I was on a parenthetical HIGH.