Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Thursday, May 16, 2002

Well, I redid the blog, how's it look? I'm going to be adding a hit counter and fixing that left column sometime. I was going to do it today, but...


The kids left "The Emperor's New Groove" in the DVD player. So I have to walk all that way back up there to return the stupid thing. It's just totally annoying. Oh well, it's not 'due' until tomorrow anyhow.

I broke one of the clasps on my bra, which means a small mini-crisis before I was awake this morning. Pretty sad when something as simple as putting on your clothes sends you into a tailspin of depression. But I'm working on it. I won't let it defeat me, damnit.


On the upside, I found a herbal tea at Safeway called "Meridian Brand Herbal Trim Tea" which sounds kind of fun. You start with one glass a day, and move to one glass after every meal. It apparently works to burn fat cells after you eat or something. I dunno about that, but it tastes like boiled seaweed. Which isn't as horrible as it sounds, actually.

I posted to the Amazon RPF last night. I realized I do a lot of research posting there. I mean, the whole thing was only just over 1000 words, but it took like 2-3 hours to make. Checking old posts, looking at maps, trying to work things out, learning how the other characters would talk and think....takes a while.But I'm always happy with what I post.

Well, I have to go return that DVD now.




At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can get that tea at Cost Plus now.


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