Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Friday, May 17, 2002

Made more changes, you may note. Put a "MOOD" indicator on there. There were millions to choose from and I can add my own if I can't find what I'm looking for. Click on the little fact to add a mood to your page.

Joined a webring, "Off On A Rant" click and add your blog to the ring. It's all good. Thanks Eden.

For some added fun, zip on over to Toasted Cheese and answer the FUM (Five Unmistakable Marks). They are GREAT questions today. You don't need to be a member, just click that link and start answering. (But membership is FREE FREE FREE. A very good price for the quality. ;)


HTML coding is hard. I really wanted to add a random Blogsticker to my site, but you have to upload files. Which isn't something the free version of Blogger here can understand or do. So, sorry, I'm not 'sticking' it on here.


My DVD player. I love watching movies I love watching all over again in DVD. It's so much fun to discover new things. "Oceans 11" is great, by the way, I recommend seeing that one. Of course, I have a 'thing' for Vegas, so maybe it's just me. LOL

As you can see, my mood is "Bipolar". I chose it cause I'm looping up and down today. Annoyed one second, happy and peaceful the next. Hey, I'm trying. Well, go do something constructive. This blog ain't so interesting today.




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