Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Bizaree Quiz of the Day

Hero Guild Name

Villains fear me.

Heroes envy me.

Deoris is...

The Stormy

You know, that wouldn't be quite so funny if I hadn't posted a story yesterday about a female gladitor fighting in the arena during a storm. LOL. Since I took the quiz yesterday, I find it most appropriate!


Well, today, I'm the rave. That's right, me. Okay, okay. I just wanted to put a link to Maxim Tremendous here, so all you Toasted Cheese members can go read my kick-ass gladiator story. It's 'slated' to be the opening sequence of my novel, should I get back to writing the novel. Encouragement, acknowlegement and accolades are always welcome! If you aren't a member, go become one!


Another small personal frustration. When you are busy, everyone in the universe wants to talk to you. When you aren't busy, the only person to talk to is the stuffed dog on the computer. It's odd. I can sit here all morning long and nothing. Then, all of a sudden, 300 people want my attention. The boss has a project or question, the phone rings, the kids come home, there's chat, whatever. It's just kind of wierd. Thought I'd share.

I'm also getting a tad annoyed at the whole WWAUS yahoo group. Man, can these people talk about nothing. I get, and I'm not joking, about 300 emails a day from this one list. Know why? Everyone sends one or two words posts. "Good!" "Way to go!" "Awww, how sweet!" You name it. On the other hand, I've gotten tubes, graphics, help, a lot of great naked men pictures, ideas, challenges, and just all around good vibes, too. But man, 300 emails is a LOT.

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung! Herete!


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