Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Friday, July 26, 2002

Bizarre Quiz of the Day
Sal sent me this one. Ironic, since I was out doing one at the time. I'll save it for tomorrow. LOL

Your magical style is Priestess.

What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox


I'm raving over myself again today. Created a new webset and did several changes, updates, and minor things to the website.

The webset is "Chivalry", and is for a new site fight I entered for Wizards Quest. Age of Chivalry is what I'll be fighting for and in, and I'm pleased they took me on. I wanted "Brigadoon", but you know what? This set turned out so well, I'm happy I wasn't messing with tartans. LOL. Please come on over and take a look.

Check out the index page, too. I adopted Harrison Ford. While looking for a small picture around the web (I really love that one from Witness, tho!) I noticed that I have pictures that rule. I went to FOUR sites, and NONE of them had anything decent in the way of pictures. Good grief. I can't be hording them ALL, can I? Well, okay, maybe I am. LOL. Look for a fan page in the future, I should think. I shouldn't keep this all to myself. ROFL.

I also linked Amazon Way directly to Fifth House. This was for a simple reason (and here's the RANT of the day), Angelfire wouldn't let me keep that much stuff there anymore. Now, that's not horrible. I understand limits. If I'd GONE OVER, I probably wouldn't be this annoyed. But I was nowhere near the 20k, even though they ordered me to lower it or lose it. So I lowered it, removing a BUNCH of good stuff, which annoyed me. Then I realized I was now at about 5k, and was never near 20k, and what WERE they thinking? Well, forget it. It's still there, but now it's at Fifth House, too. I pay (ha) good time (energy, more like) for Fifth House, so I'm going to use it, by hook. So, pppttthhhh Angelfire.

I also added all my graphics for fooling everyone when I was the Mystic Maiden. This is a game we played for Women of the World, where I went around anonymously signing guestbooks with a little graphic. It was very fun. However, once the game was over there was a bit of confusion, and we think Abril DID guess me. But everyone let it stand since they'd made all the suff. Anyhow, you can see all the great gifts at the WotW Spirit page. If you want to see the graphics I made for it, drop on by my guestbook. I signed my own book, too, to throw them all off. I doubt anyone noticed. LOL.

And that about sums it up for the day. A public thanks to Hula Kitty for taking on my boys for 2 whole nights. Whooo!

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your bow strung! Herete!


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