Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Yasoo, and happy Tuesday.

Quiz today:

The fiery confidence you normally keep under wraps blazes in your eyes every time your theme song turns on the table. People stand back and wait to be impressed by you—whether leading a project team, or firing up for a girls' night out. Read more about mytheme song


Just the usual today, I'm afraid. Insert big housework martyr whine here. Then, when you've done with that, toss in one about how there's no food in the house. At the tippy top is the DH's inability to make a concrete decision when it comes to food sometimes. "What do you want?" "I don't care. What do you want?" "I don't care, what do you want?" And around and around for like a half hour. No joke. We finally did Taco Hell, if you care.

"ANGEL" ended freakishly last night. Sorry if you missed that. I taped it, c'mon over to my house. HA! And for those who did see it, how about that bizarre Cordy crapola? I mean, total SNARK she 'rises to Heaven' or WHAT-EVER was going on there. Has to be the dumbest thing I ever saw on that show. They should really be ashamed. I'm gonna go zippin' over to Angel's Night and tell them what I thought. You should too.


Well, big toot on my own horn here, but I made an "ANGEL" wallpaper that seemed to go over well. Kou (Kou, what's your site URL again? Send me that!) and Jadea (Hey, Jadea, your site's down!) both stamped it with thier approval anyhow. You can go check it out and download it over on my Angel Fan Page. Take a look around the rest of the site while you're there. ;)


Guess I should zoom off to Toasted Cheese and get my work done for the day. The next issue of the E-Zine will go up at the start of next month. Means us editor-types have to do some picking and choosing. LOL. By the way - there is a contest going on there. Zip on over and find out what it's all about. (Look for "Midsummer"!) There are prizes and awards and well, publication.




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