Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Monday, October 27, 2003

Writing Successes: Wrote a fabulous post for Themiscyra. Can't put it up because sodding Aimoo is down. Has been for the last 12 hrs. So, my one thing to keep me busy today? Out to lunch.

Music Playing: KINK, "Lights Out" for about 20 minutes.

We're past the '24 hrs to go' mark. I check in at 10:45am tomorrow. There was a scheduling change because of the breast lump. They have to ultrasound that and the play "put-the-pin-in-Deoris". I'm very excited. (not)

Things I won't miss, the short (and sensible) list:

The Rash. Heat rash, that is. Constant, annoying, icky, gross. Not going to miss that. No siree Bob.

The Sweat. After removing the bra, skin against skin creates friction and no matter what I do, raises my temp at least 20 degrees causing me to sweat inordinately.

The Bra. While this bra is not a torture device, it does have straps made by the Devil. It always feels as if it's 2 sizes too small in several areas, in fact. And although I do need to wear it after surgery, I won't miss it once it's gone. If anyone would like to see what bra it is, click here. If you're a larger-sized gal, they are pretty and nice and well, they fit.

The Food. The leftovers I end up with on my shirt, to be specific. Right. down. the. front. Annoying, and usually red. I'll be able to scoot right up to tables now.

The Clothes. I won't miss not having a bathing suit, not having more than one shirt I fit into, not having to sit on the bed to pull on socks....lots of things. I won't miss hating to shop, either.

The Manhandling. In certain situations, I end up having to 'heave' myself around or on top of things. The desk, the bed, the dh, whatever. They're just always in the WAY, you know. I won't miss having to move them all the time, or even caring about where they are.

I think that's enough. I'm tired, and getting up in six hours for an overly early breakfast while I can still eat. I'll see you all on the smaller side of life. Two weeks or so.

Bizarre Quiz of the Day for Theryn:
girls just wanna have fun

What Xena Episode Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


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