Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Saturday, December 08, 2001

Well, I didn't make it to the pub. Never heard from Kou. I suppose that's not a surprise. She called 3 or 4 times and nobody called her back. I was too busy and depressed to call her, so I didn't. I'll do so today if I don't hear from her.

On the bright side, Harry is back. He's blank, but it's kind of fun to reconfigure the system as I like. For those confused, Harry is my "good" computer who caught a virus that caused him to repartition his hard drive, thereby losing all the information contained on him. It's no fun. Lost a bunch of good writing and good ideas. But like I said, it's kind of fun to know exactly how things are going to play out, and where to put them. LOL.

I snapped right out of the depression yesterday. I just suddenly felt...better. I'm not sure if this was due to the purple candle, the Pamprin, or my silly husband and his ridiculous red and green striped elf hat, complete with elf ears on the side. Okay, he wants to be dentist, too. ;) He's a goof, but he's all mine.

So I guess I'll be rushing around the internet today, downloading my head off. I've a lot of stuff to put back on here to make it work right. MiRC and AIM and, of course, ZMud.

Then again, I have to find my sites again. Luckily, Sal and Theryn's were here on the blog. ;) Themiscrya was easy to find from my own Amazon site. Some things are just easier than others.

On the other hand, I don't know where I put that postcard history site, I didn't put the link in the blog as I meant. I have no clue where the ROM site I found yesterday might be, and I'm sure I'll be on the internet all day.

But the computer works, the cd works, and it's all clean. That's the important bit. Well, guess I'd better get back at it.



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