Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Thursday, December 06, 2001

Well, I made it to Friday. Plans for tomorrow? Oh, yes, I should say so. I plan on going on down to my "local", which in American terms means I'm headed to the Moon and Sixpence tomorrow night. It's not close to local to me, but it's the only true English bar in Portland, to my mind. And I've been in a couple of them. Of course, that means I have to follow Kou around again, and I remember how that one turned out....(visions of the Cowboy of Love)

So, I'll have my own wake for Grandma. At least as much of one as I can. I don't drink, so I'll probably only have ONE Newcastle, but it's worth it. And I can toast my Grandma's divinity until the cows come home.

Thanks to everyone who has sent e-cards and well-wishes. It means a lot to me that you care that much. It's hard to know what to say to a "virtual" friend in a time of loss, really. You can't know what that relative meant to them, for example, or how they are feeling, or if they'd rather avoid the issue than deal with it. But the notes I've gotten are simple, brief, to the point, and sincere. And that's about all I can hope for.

Today's Ramble

For those that don't know me, I have a fascination with history. I enjoy pawing through the past. I suppose because I like to think of "what if's" and see where they take my brain. "What if they hadn't torn down the Multnomah Hotel? Where would Pioneer Courthouse Square be today?" That kind of thing. I like to see how things have changed, for better and for worse.

One of my favorite things to do is wander through my own geneology. This isn't always easy, there isn't a lot of information on the internet for some family names, that kind of thing. Luckily, this passion is something I share with my Aunt Claudia on my mother's side. She's done a lot of work gathering pictures and people through various resources. She created at least 2 huge books full of information, facts, figures and photographs. I can't get my hands on either of them, but that's a rant for another day.

So, for your enjoyment, here's a quick geneology of me.

ME (female born 1966) out of Cheryl Justice (f. b. 1945) out of Shirley Robinson (f. b. 1925) out of Bess Austin (f. b. 1892) out of Amador Hamrick (male, b. 1854) out of Jesse Calvert Hamrick (m. b. 1823) out of Nimrod (love that one) Hamrick (m. b. 1790) out of Margaret Calvert (f. b. 1770) out of George Calvert (m. b. 1743 or 44) out of George Calvert (m. b. 1715) out of John Calvert (m. b. 1610) out of George Calvert (m. b. 1668) out of William Calvert (m. b. 1643) out of Leonard Calvert (m. b. 1610) out of George Calvert, Baron I, Lord Baltimore (m. b. 1580) out of Leonard Calvert (m. b. 1550) out of George Calvert (m. b. 1525) out of William Calvert (m. b. 1510)

Which is where it peters out. Mind you, I've got cities, states and countries, wives and children for all those too, so that IS a brief list. I kind of felt like sharing that because, well, it's cool. And because when someone up the line dies, you remember all those who came before her.

When I was very small, my maternal Great-Grandmother (Bess) my grandmother Shirley, my mother, and I were taken together in a picture. 4 generations. I, sadly, don't remember Bess. Tragically, my kids won't remember Shirley. Such are the circles. But that one photograph is prized by my mother above all. In fact, I think she has a picture of herself, her mom, me, and my kids.

Someday I will get my hands on that book and scan in all the old tintype pictures and photo's of my gran in her black hose and 20's hats. :)

Today's Rave

Stupid Tri-Met trip planner got me lost again. Why am I the only person who can't tell which way is "SOUTH" when getting off the bus in Portland? Everyone I say this to thinks it's hilarious, but I get confused pretty easy. Why not just say, "Go to corner of X and X, turn right, go to corner of X and X" ... why say, "Go north to X and X. Go west to X." it's silly and confusing for those of us who don't travel with thier amazing Dick Tracy pocketwatches!

To my credit, I did stop and ask a policeman for directions and asked the bus driver if I was on the right bus. Too many lessons learned from not doing either of those things. To my (un-credit?) chagrin, it did take me from 2:30pm to 4pm on the nose for an hour bus ride. That's a tad silly.

Well, I think that's enough for now. Don't want to waste it all at once. ;)



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