Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Writing Successes:Today, finished making my choices for Dead of Winter contest. Gonna be some fine stories to read when all the voting is done. Keep your eyes on Toasted Cheese. Yesterday, wrote nearly 400 words for Themiscyra yesterday, part one in a series saying farewell to Kuk'tai Yakut.

Music playing: Millennium: Tribal Wisdom and the Modern World. (This is what Donin put in, then went off to bed. But I like it, good "turn down" music.) It's some drums, some Native American singing, some wolf howls....kind of like my Xena soundtracks, much to Donin's dismay and my amusement. (Sal said she wondered what I was listening to.) (and while searching for an Amazon link to it, I discovered this is by the same guy who did the sountrack to a bunch of movies, including "Gladiator")

Things to do tomorrow: PSP assignments and day one of what we will refer to from now on as Moving Day.

Man, I did so much today, I'm not sure I should even bother to blog. I'm just wiped out. But since I haven't written for myself today, here I am. Good on me. I didn't want to come. I wanted to MUD. LOL

Patrick (Herafter will be referred to as Dacor, his chosen online name. Notice he HAD to have one with a "D". He said it was "tradition". What does THAT say about society?) will be returning to school next semester. That's the 27th. He signed a contract saying he'd work hard and show respect to all adults. Hard things for him, but he wants what they have and he does not: Girls. LOL! We also began a daily report, so I can keep better tabs on his progress, and keep his feet firmly in WORK.

There's a bright round moon outside, with a glowing white halo all around it. A sparkle of stars in the clear sky. A cold night, but my dog needed out and the blueness on the pavement beckoned me to look above. I can't tell the phase from looking at it, my glasses are inside and my own vision blurry, but that makes it all the more special. Sometimes, the bounty of Artemis' gift should be felt more than seen. It was a good sign.

I did a bunch of little things today, but it helped clear off that writing plate. Moving Day is going to push that farther out than I had really wanted, but I'm sure I'll appreciate it when I'm done.

Oh? What the heck is Moving Day? I have been given a domain website by my provider. I'm exceeding some limitations on the subweb ( is the host) and had to move to a place of my own. That's right. I am going to pick up Fifth House and move just slightly to the left. LOL. The new URL will be, still easy to remember and now not my name! I'll keep everyone informed as Moving Day (I have to be "in" the new place by Tuesday, latest) approaches.

Until next time, keep your sword sharp and your wit sharper!


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