Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur

Random thoughts by Deoris

Friday, March 28, 2003

Oh! I almost forgot! I called dad when I returned home Tuesday. He was concerned because my email was bouncing (yeah, after two days it was THAT full) and asked me to call. Apparently this means I'm hurt or in trouble or dead or something. I'd have to agree, really.

Anyhow, I called him. I explained that I had been to Kou's for two nights, sitting around playing Sims for a while and watching movies. I mention it's spring break for the kids, so we all get a little time off.

He goes, "That's a shame."
"What's a shame?"
"Here you have this great opportunity to spend time with your kids, and you go off to a friends house."

Well, what do you say to that? How about, THEY WERE THERE?

"But you spent all your time on the computer!"

Actually, her Sims game crashed or something after the first four hours I played it. I got off and let Matt and Pat and Kou all have turns and never played it again. We watched movies instead. I explain that no, I certainly did not.

He let it go.

But imagine...I'm being chastised for being a neglectful the king of neglect. He had a little room in the garage, way away from the rest of us and from life itself, where he spent 90% of his free time. Eventually he did ditch this room...only to build one inside the house and spend the time there, shooing us out of the "family room."

It was just so laughable. When we went on trips, we went to congregations of his obsession. Which means: We entertained ourselves while he yakked with friends.

I mean, call the kettle black and get me the pot! Wait, that was wrong somehow, wasn't it? Well, you understand why I'm blogging about it. I was highly amused. Hope you are too.


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